The best lookouts and bushwalks in Mount Victoria

By | February 15, 2024

Nestled in the heart of the Blue Mountains in New South Wales, Mount Victoria is a hidden gem for nature enthusiasts. This picturesque town is renowned for its captivating waterfalls, panoramic lookouts, serene bushwalks and amazing history. In this article, we’ll delve into the beauty of Mount Victoria’s waterfalls, lookouts, and bushwalks, inviting you to explore the natural wonders of this enchanting region.


Silver Cascades and Victoria Falls

This steep but rewarding bushwalk offers Grose Valley views and a scenic waterfall near Mount Victoria. NPWS Grade 4 track.

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Victoria Falls Mount Victoria

Victoria Falls

Silver Cascades Mount Victoria

Silver Cascades



Bardens Lookout

Bardens Lookout is a popular vantage point that offers stunning panoramic views of the Blue Mountains and the surrounding landscape. The lookout provides an excellent opportunity for visitors to take in the natural beauty of the area, including the vast eucalyptus forests and rugged terrain.

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Bardens Lookout

Bardens Lookout


Coxs Cave

Access to Coxs Cave is via a ladder that is not for the faint-hearted. If you have a fear of heights, don’t try it. We enjoyed lunch in the upper cave entry. The view was amazing.

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Coxs Cove Mount Victoria

Coxs Cove

Coxs Cove Mount Victoria

Coxs Cave Ladder

Hourn Point

This Mount Victoria walk is a short one that offers wonderful views of the Kanimbla Valley.

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Hourn Point Mount Victoria

Hourn Point Mount Victoria

Mitchell Ridge Lookout

Cox’s Cave Track is a leisurely walk that leads you through dense eucalyptus forests. This tranquil bushwalk is perfect for birdwatching and immersing yourself in the region’s natural beauty. Keep an eye out for the captivating birdlife that calls this place home.

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Mitchell Ridge Lookout

Mitchell Ridge Lookout

Mitchell Ridge Lookout

Mitchell Ridge Lookout

Mount York

It offers a multitude of activities like picnics, walks, abseiling, rock climbing, and limited camping. It has picnic tables, shelter, and toilets, but no BBQs. There are many lookouts offering beautiful views over the Megalong Valley.

If you have the energy you can follow the old coach road all the way down to Hartley Vale, but then you have to come back up.

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Mount York views

Mount York views

Mount York history

Mount York history

Flora and Fauna

The rich biodiversity of Mount Victoria is truly captivating. The region is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species. Take time to appreciate the unique flora and fauna that thrive in this lush environment.

Picnic Spots and Recreation

Mount Victoria offers numerous picturesque spots for picnicking. Enjoy a meal amidst the natural beauty and breathe in the fresh mountain air. There are also opportunities for various recreational activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing.

How to Get There

Mount Victoria is easily accessible by car, approximately 2 hours from Sydney. The journey itself is scenic, making it part of the adventure. Alternatively, you can take a train or bus to reach this charming destination.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Mount Victoria is during the spring and autumn months when the weather is mild, and nature is at its most vibrant. However, every season has its unique charm, so it’s a year-round destination. Summer is wonderful because the days are cooler, while in Winter there is the chance of snow and lots of open fires.

Accommodation Options

From cozy cottages to bed and breakfasts, Mount Victoria offers a range of accommodation options to suit your preferences. Staying in this charming town allows you to be closer to nature.

Local Cuisine and Dining

Savour the local flavors at the town’s restaurants and cafes. Try some traditional Australian cuisine, and don’t forget to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in the charming atmosphere of Mount Victoria. Cafe 19 is open from 8am on Saturdays and Sundays as well as for lunch and dinner. Hotel Etico also has a range of dinner options from Thursday – Sunday.

Weather Considerations

Before your trip, check the weather forecast. The mountains can be quite unpredictable, so it’s essential to pack accordingly and stay safe.

Ecotourism and Sustainability

Mount Victoria is committed to preserving its natural beauty. Visitors are encouraged to respect the environment and engage in responsible ecotourism practices.

Wildlife Encounters

Keep an eye out for the native wildlife during your visit. You might spot kangaroos, wallabies, and various bird species in their natural habitat.


Mount Victoria is a haven for nature enthusiasts. With its mesmerizing waterfalls, panoramic lookouts, and tranquil bushwalks, it offers a unique blend of beauty, history, and adventure. Embrace the serenity of this pristine destination and create memories that will last a lifetime.


  1. Is Mount Victoria suitable for family trips?
    • Absolutely! Mount Victoria offers activities and sights that are perfect for families.
  2. Are the bushwalks in Mount Victoria suitable for beginners?
    • Yes, there are bushwalks of varying difficulty levels, including some suitable for beginners.
  3. Can I visit Mount Victoria as a day trip from Sydney?
    • Yes, many visitors opt for a day trip to Mount Victoria from Sydney.
  4. Are there camping options in Mount Victoria?
    • While there aren’t camping facilities within the town, there are camping sites nearby at Mount Yorks and other areas in the Blue Mountains.
  5. What should I do if I encounter wildlife in the area?
    • Observe from a safe distance and do not feed or approach the wildlife. Respect their natural habitat.

Mount Victoria awaits your exploration, offering a serene escape into the beauty of nature and history.
