Where is the Explorers Tree

2.35K viewsBlue Mountains

Where is the Explorers Tree

Ask Roz AU Changed status to publish July 16, 2021

The Explorers Tree has been removed following safety fears.

The remnants of the tree – much of which had concrete poured into it over the years in a failed effort to protect it – have been taken to a TfNSW (Transport for NSW) depot in Lawson.

More here: https://www.bluemountainsgazette.com.au/story/7133208/explorers-tree-removed-at-katoomba-following-safety-fears/

Go here for the original site: https://w3w.co/defend.broad.supplies


Explorers Tree site

Explorers Tree site

Ask Roz AU Changed status to publish July 16, 2021
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