What is the history of Lawson

2.00K viewsBlue Mountains

What is the history of Lawson

Ask Roz AU Changed status to publish June 15, 2021

Lawson (732m)

This location appears in early references as The Swamp or Christmas Swamp and, in the 1830s, as Twenty Four Mile Hollow. Following the opening of Henry Wilson’s Blue Mountain Inn in the mid-1840s the area became popularly known as Blue Mountain, a name adopted by the railway when a station was opened here in 1867.

The name of the town and its railway station was changed to Lawson in 1879 in honour of William Lawson, the explorer.

More info here: https://www.askroz.com.au/blog/origin-of-blue-mountains-town-names/

Lawson - Map

Lawson – Map

Ask Roz AU Changed status to publish June 15, 2021
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