What is the history of Woodford

2.11K viewsBlue Mountains

What is the history of Woodford

Ask Roz AU Changed status to publish June 15, 2021

Woodford (607m)

This location was first referred to as Twenty Mile Hollow. In the early 1830s an inn called The Woodman was opened. During the 1840s this inn became known as The King’s Arms and, when its last licensee William Buss took over in 1855, it was popularly referred to as Buss’s Inn. When the railway arrived in 1867 the first station also took the name of this popular publican.

However, the inn was soon sold to Alfred Fairfax, a Sydney jeweller, who converted it into a private residence and renamed it Woodford House. The railway station was renamed Woodford in 1871. Woodford House eventually became the Woodford Academy, a private school for boys. It is now in the hands of the National Trust.

More info here: https://www.askroz.com.au/blog/origin-of-blue-mountains-town-names/

Woodford - Map

Woodford – Map

Ask Roz AU Changed status to publish June 15, 2021
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